What Creativity Is to Me

Creativity is something I was blessed with. It is the way I unwind and it is my 'me' time. When I am stressed and need to turn my mind off, being creative and doing just that is what I need. I love creating new things, being inspired and expressing my ability to create. My mind roams and my fingers create whatever they do. One of the best things about crafting and being creative is that when I make something and it does not turn out exactly how I planned, I can just make it again and make it better. I love making something new, something different and it makes creating that much more exciting and worthwhile for me. Creativity allows me to make something that I like and it allows me to be who I am. So, creativity is what I have to offer and I am very pleased to have received this gift. 

Speaking of creativity....and saying that is my gift also means that I have not been gifted with say the way with words. By no means is that my department. I thought about blogging and then backed up quite a few times and decided it was not for me because I am not a writer and I do not have a way with words. Quite often, I say the wrong things and come off pretty strong to others. I stick to myself and am pretty private, so blogging means I would have to open up and be creative to give myself some kind of voice. I plan on blogging to give myself a voice and come out of the shell I am in. I know it will be a difficult task, but I am prepared to blog and gain a new part of me and also try to stray away from being such a procrastinator.

I have no clue what blogging entails or what I need to do to strive, but I really need an outlet, so I hope it works out. My ultimate goal for blogging is to share things that are of not much interest to my husband (he indulges me) and hopefully to make some great connections with others that are like minded. Currently, I am a stay at home mom, a volunteer with a local moms group and I am far away from my family. I am content with my life and am so happy in every aspect of it but wish for an outlet to share the things I create. How do I become a blogger? Will I ever be a blogger, whatever that may mean? How do I know what to say? What if I do it wrong? Is there a wrong way? These are all fears of mine, so we shall see......