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Sailing Boats on the Tinissippi River

This activity was followed by hearing a few stories about sailing following stars.

Here is one of them: 

Jump on board with the Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Maker, as they sail away, at their wives' request, to snag a big catch for dinner.

This favorite childhood nursery rhyme, full of rich watercolor illustrations, has been transformed into a fun-filled adventure as our three heroes find themselves in a mess way over their heads!

How will they ever get home—and what about dinner? A great read-aloud book that will thrill the whole family.

Want to find out WELL you will just have to go out and take a look at the book!

We made boats and sailed them on the Tinissippi River-Compliments of our wonderful Library System.

Supplies & Directions:
Cut in half Styrofoam Cup
Markers & Crayons
A pinch of play dough
1 thick card
1 coffee stirrer

1. Decorate Flag Mass(markers) and Cup(crayons so water doesn't wash design off).
2. Poke 1 hole at the top middle and bottom middle of the car.
3. Place Post in middle of play dough at center of cup.
4. Place decorated Flag over Post see below of fully decorated boats photo.
Supplies for Boat Cup
Small amount of pinched Play Dough Centered
Completed Boat Cups
Tinissippi River
The Boats are OFF!




We had lots of fun even though the river had a few technical problems, but they were quickly resolved!

A really great activity to do with the kids on a hot day to cool off.

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