Sweet Victory

Sweet Victory from working out and leading a healthier lifestyle.


My favorite of all of the victories is how much healthier my skin is looking, my face has slimmed down and it actually looks like I have a jaw line, my back pain has reduced.....I AM LOVING my toned thighs and my lifted tush!  Oh, so is my husband.  It also sets a better example for my children to see their mom going for a healthier lifestyle and they are learning along the way, which will help them in the future.  My energy level is much higher.  I am reducing my risk of SO many health problems...diabetes mainly.  I had gestational diabetes and had to go on 2 types of insulin while being pregnant with my daughter AND it runs in my family so my risk level is high.    Oh, I can also say that before finding a better rhythm...actually a rhythm at all.  I started doing Zumba and I am so proud to have some kind of coordination going on.  I barely exercised before and I exercise a minimum of 5 times a week now. 

I have to say that the one thing that I am absolutely ecstatic about is that I have had a higher dedication commitment within this group than I have before.  It is always changing, there is tons of support and it is really keeping me accountable for my actions. That in itself is a HUGE victory for me, because I get bored and walk away and have so many times before.  I can admit that has always been my biggest problem in getting fit and sticking to it....BOREDOM!  Sweet victories of working out!  

What are some of your successful/sweet victories from working out?