You Challenge- 7 Wants

 All of the questions I have answered in this weekly YOU Challenge really have me feeling like I know a little bit more about myself...if that makes any sense.

1. I want to grow old with my boyfriend  husband until the end of time.

2. I want a really good camera.  I buy them yearly & I just haven't found the one that fits what I need it to do.  They cost SO much & I just have to wait a bit longer to get what I want.  I am a serious photo taking fool. I love it!

3. To continue on a path of being a better person. Strengthening my faith, recovering from being a procrastinator, getting it together, controlling my anger issues, & being confident in me on the inside & out.

4. I want the mindset that I CAN & WILL be healthy & fit to be embedded in my brain.  I know all the things to do but my mind & my body just won't agree.  I lost 30 pounds last year & then I don't know what happend.  I ran a 5k with my husband, had a accountibility partner, did some therapy with a online group etc.... My motivation is seriously nonexistant lacking.  (once this happens, my husband & I are going to get remarried. We will finally be able to get professional wedding photos done.) 
*It is hard to understand knowing all the reasons you want/need something & how to get there but just not following through.  Surely I need to get to a doctor(haven't been to one in over 10 yrs) & get my busted back and nerve issues delt with.

5. I want to learn multiple languages.  Sign Language, French(I had 2 years long ago) and Spanish. My dads side of the family all speak cajun French fluently, but I didn't grow up around them so I missed out.

6. I want to own a lovely home out in a country setting with my family.  To be financially comfortable with not owing anything out and owning everything we want to have.

7.  I want to be taught how to dance.  I have watched dancing instructions, been to random dancing events and I have absolutely NO rhythm of any kind.  Even my bad rhythm has no rhythm. LOL.

Cheers to getting to know YOU!