I am in love with this bottle! Circles and lined glass, I knew it would be perfect for this red light. I always have to get my husband to drill the holes, because he has the man power to drill through the glass. I am the water sprayer. : ) We did it together. Wash your bottle out first and let it dry. Use some teamwork to drill through the bottle. In order to prevent the glass from becoming to stressed and cracking you need to spray water every so often to wash away the glass dust and cool down the bit.
Normally we use a smaller diamond bit and end up having to double drill. This time we went to Lowe's and picked up a large diamond bit for $24 and it did the trick the first time. I strung a 35 count red holiday light set through the hole and my husband pulled the lights up with a stretched out close hanger. The kids kind of took it over though....night light.