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Egg-TASTIC Snack Eggs!


The kids were quite surprised to find healthier snack options in their little eggs when they opened them.  It was quite inspiring for me to give them a fun snack that was not full of sugar.  I had all of these things in my kitchen already.  The best part was that all of the snacks in our eggs would be just fine if they were to be left out of the fridge.   The worry of wasting food and food going bad was not there.

On Hand Snacks: 
Dried cranberries
Chex Mix
Animal Crackers
Dried Bananas
Vanilla Wafers
Oat and Honey Granola Bar
Petite Carrots
Lucky Charms puffs minus the clover marshmallows previously used in our Clover Krispies
Honey roasted peanuts

Other options: 
Graham Crackers
Gold Fish
Kashi Cereal
Other Granola crumbles
Peanut butter balls
PB and J Crackers-homemade
Any dried fruit mix or blends
Trail mix variety
All natural fruit snacks

So really the options are as endless as your imagination...or budget, which is always a factor when doing snack purchases in our home.  I hope you have fun making some new snack egg options with your little ones or big ones.  I plan on letting them do it the next go round, because it really was fun.  I liked the looks on their little faces when I did the little random snack egg time for them.  They were all curious and excited to find what was in the next egg. Small portions....there were 12 eggs total...and they shared with one another which was a extra bonus.

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